Alpha Ship

In News

  • India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier is all set to be part of the naval fleet.
  • It will be part of the naval fleet as INS Vikrant, taking on the name, the crest and pennant number (R11) of India’s first aircraft carrier.


  • Development
    • The project got under way in 2007 and the keel was laid in 2009
    • The 262-metre-long ship, with a full displacement of about 45,000 tonnes, is powered by four gas turbines with a capacity of 88 MW and can cruise at speeds of up to 28 knots.
  • Capability 
    • The carrier can take on nearly 30 aircraft, both fixed-wing and helicopters, of assorted variety. 
    • Initially, it will be the MiG-29K fighters and Ka-31 helicopters that will be operating from the ship. 
    • Depending on the government’s decision, INS Vikrant could get Rafale (M) or F-18 Super Hornet fighters.
    • The MH-60R multi-role helicopters that have already been delivered to India will join the air arm of the carrier, once inducted. 
    • The ship will be manned by nearly 1,700 personnel under the Commanding Officer (designate) Commodore Vidhyadhar Harke. 
  • Significance 
    • The significance of INS Vikrant is that it gave a fillip to indigenisation of ship-building materials and processes. 


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