Iran denounces ‘unilateralism’ as it becomes full SCO member

In News

  • In the recent Dushanbe Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, Iran was given full membership.
    • Now the total number of full members in SCO has gone up to 9.
  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has emphasised regional multilateralism as a countering force against unilateralism.

Key Highlights of Iranian President’s Speech

  • Shun unilateralism
    • Iran criticised the USA’s unilateralism and its sanctions terming it as “Economic terrorism”.
    • The full membership will protect Iran from unilateral punishments from the West.
      • Iran has been under harsh US sanctions since 2018 when former President Trump unilaterally withdrew the USA from the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and P5+1.
      • It is also facing the brunt of Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) of the US.
  • Membership will boost Iran Economy and Regional Standing
    • Iran was accepted as the 9th full member after having observer status for the past 15 years.
    • It will help Iran to expand political, economic and cultural ties with countries across the region.
  • Iranian Nuclear Program and Nuclear Deal
    • The President reiterated that Iran will continue its peaceful nuclear program
    • He termed diplomacy to be effective only up to the point everyone respects the rules and negotiations.
  • Challenges before SCO
    • Raisi also listed the COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism, environment, cyber security and organised crime as other challenges facing the SCO members. 
      • They must be tackled in unison.

For More Detail on SCO, please refer to our Daily Current Affair Article titled “21st Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of SCO” published on 18th September 2021.

Source: Al Jazeera