2024 Quad Leaders’ Summit

Syllabus: GS2/ International relations


  • Leaders of the Quad group of countries met at their sixth summit-level meeting at Archmere Academy, Delaware, to announce a broad range of outcomes. 

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD)

  • It is an informal multilateral grouping of India, the U.S., Australia, and Japan aimed at cooperation for a free and open Indo-Pacific region. 
  • Origin: The Quad began as a loose partnership after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami when the four countries joined together to provide humanitarian and disaster assistance to the affected region.
    • It was formalized by former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but then fell dormant.
  • After a decade it was resurrected in 2017, reflecting changing attitudes in the region toward China’s growing influence

key Initiatives of QUAD 2024

  • Quad Cancer Moonshot, a groundbreaking partnership to save lives in the Indo-Pacific region.
    • Under this, India will provide $7.5 million worth of HPV sampling kits, detection kits and cervical cancer vaccines to countries in the Indo-Pacific.
    • A commitment from the Serum Institute of India, in partnership with Gavi and the Quad, to support orders of up to 40 million HPV vaccine doses for the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Coast Guard Cooperation: The First-ever “Quad-at-Sea Ship Observer Mission” in 2025 to improve interoperability and advance maritime safety between our Coast Guards across the Indo-Pacific.
  • The Quad Indo-Pacific Logistics Network pilot project, in order to support civilian response to natural disasters more rapidly and efficiently across the Indo-Pacific region.
  • The “Quad Ports of the Future Partnership” will harness the Quad’s collective expertise to support sustainable and resilient port infrastructure development across the Indo-Pacific.
  • The “Semiconductor Supply Chains Contingency Network Memorandum of Cooperation” to enhance Quad resilience in semiconductor supply chains.
  • Reform at the UN Security Council: The Leaders recognised the urgent need to make it more representative, inclusive, and democratic through expansion in permanent and non-permanent categories of membership
  • Quad Principles for Development and Deployment of Digital Public Infrastructure were welcomed for the region and beyond.
  • The Maritime Initiative for Training in the Indo-Pacific” (MAITRI) to enable regional partners to monitor and secure their waters, enforce their laws, and deter unlawful behavior.
    • India will host the first MAITRI workshop in 2025.

The Strategic Significance of Quad

  • Act East policy: India’s participation in the Quad emphasizing deeper engagement with East Asian nations and strengthening maritime security cooperation. 
  • Military cooperation: It provides a platform for military cooperation, intelligence sharing, and joint exercises aimed at maintaining maritime security and ensuring the rule of law.
  • Counterbalancing China’s Influence: QUAD is crucial for India’s interests in safeguarding its maritime trade routes and ensuring freedom of navigation in international waters.
  • India has supported a rule-based multipolar world and QUAD can help it in achieving its ambition of becoming a regional superpower.
Important outcomes of 2023 QUAD summits
Quad Health Security Partnership: It was announced in 2023 to strengthen coordination and collaboration in support of health security in the Indo-Pacific.
Open Radio Access Network (RAN) and 5G: In 2023, Quad partners announced the first-ever Open RAN deployment in the Pacific, to support a secure, resilient, and interconnected telecommunications ecosystem. 
The Quad Investors Network (QUIN) a nonprofit initiative launched at the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit aims to accelerate investments in critical and emerging technologies across the Indo-Pacific region.

Source: IE