INS Visakhapatnam

In News 

  • Recently, INS Visakhapatnam was commissioned at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai.

About INS Visakhapatnam

  • It is designed at the Directorate of Naval Design, the Indian Navy’s in-house organisation, and built by the state-owned Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Mumbai.
  • It is the first of the stealth guided-missile destroyers being indigenously constructed under Project 15B.
  • The warship is equipped to fight under Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) warfare conditions.
  • The ship is propelled by a powerful combined gas and gas (COGAG) propulsion plant, consisting of four reversible gas turbines, which enables it to achieve a speed of over 30 knots or approximately 55 km/hr.
  • Capability :
    • It is “one of the most technologically advanced guided-missile destroyers in the world”.
    • It has the capability to embark two anti-submarine warfare helicopters and is packed with sophisticated state-of-the-art weapons and sensors, including surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles, medium and short-range guns, anti-submarine rockets and advanced electronic warfare and communication suits. 
    • It is capable of undertaking multifarious tasks and missions spanning the full spectrum of maritime warfare.
  • Importance 
    • Augment the Indian Navy’s reach and flexibility, and mobility. 
    • Help deal with emerging challenges in the Indian Ocean Region.

Project 15B ships

  • The Rs.35,000 crore Project 15B envisages the construction of four stealth guided-missile destroyers, with the remaining three to be commissioned between 2023 and 2025.
    • These ships have been designed indigenously by the Directorate of Naval Design, New Delhi. 
  • Project 15B ships “feature cutting-edge advanced technology and are comparable to the best ships of similar class anywhere in the world“. 
  • The ships also feature enhanced stealth features — which make them difficult to detect — that have been achieved through “shaping of hull and use of radar transparent deck fittings”.
  • The ships run on four gas turbines and incorporate new design concepts for “improved survivability, sea keeping, stealth and manoeuvrability”.
  • P 15B ships will be equipped to carry and operate two multiple role helicopters.

Source: TH

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