Abel Prize

In News

  • Recently, the Abel Prize has been awarded to American Professor Dennis Parnell Sullivan.
    • He was awarded the prize “For his groundbreaking contributions to topology in its broadest sense, and in particular its algebraic, geometric and dynamical aspects.”

About Abel Prize

  • Named after:  Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829)
  • Awarded annually to outstanding mathematicians
  • Supports a number of measures directed towards stimulating the interest in mathematics amongst children and youths.
  • Established by: the Norwegian Government in 2002
  • Managed by: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. 
  • Monetary award: 7.5 million Norwegian kroner (NOK) 

About Niels Henrik Abel

  • Norwegian mathematician
  • A frontiers person in the development of several branches of modern mathematics. 
  • Neils Abel’s first papers, published in 1823, were on functional equations and integrals. 
  • The key finding of his work, known as Abel’s theorem, forms the foundation for the later theory of Abelian integrals and Abelian functions, which is a generalisation of elliptic function theory to functions with multiple variables.
  • His work is also utilised today in ECC-cryptography, used for encrypting data online.

Source: TH

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