Trade Defence Wing (TDW) Operations

In Context 

  • The Trade Defence Wing (TDW) operations under the Department of Commerce (DOC) has brought relief to the Indian exporters.

About Trade Defence Wing (TDW)

  • It was established in the year 2016.
  • It has been the nodal point for extending support and defending the interests of Indian exporters in investigations undertaken by other countries against India. 
  • It coordinates with various departments of the Central as well as the State Governments and presents India’s defence consultations with investigating authorities of other countries, particularly the USA and EU authorities.

Know About Countervailing Duties (CVDs)

  • They are tariffs levied on imported goods to offset subsidies made to producers of these goods in the exporting country. 
  • CVDs are meant to level the playing field between domestic producers of a product and foreign producers of the same product who can afford to sell it at a lower price because of the subsidy they receive from their government


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