Anti-Defection Law

In Context

  • Vice President Venkaiah Naidu recently said it is time for amending the anti-defection law to plug the loopholes.

Anti-defection law and its purpose

  • Introduced as the Tenth Schedule via the 52nd Amendment Act, 1985 after multiple incidents like Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram.
    • Sets the provisions for disqualification of elected members on the grounds of defection to another political party.
    • Includes situations in which an independent MLA, too, joins a party after the election.
  • Purpose of the Law: 
    • Bring stability to governments by discouraging legislators from changing parties.
    • It ensures that the Party ideologies prevail over individual interests.

What constitutes Defection?

  • The law covers 3 kinds of scenarios as grounds for disqualification
    • Legislators elected on the ticket of one political party “voluntarily give up” membership of that party or vote in the legislature against the party’s wishes.
      • A legislator’s speech and conduct inside and outside the legislature can lead to deciding to voluntarily give up membership.
    • When an MP/MLA who has been elected as an independent joins a party later. 
    • In the case of Nominated legislators, the law specifies that they can join a political party within 6 months of being appointed to the House, and not after such time.
  • As per the 1985 Act, a ‘defection’ by one-third of the elected members of a political party was considered a ‘merger’.
    • But the 91st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003, changed this.
    • Now at least two-thirds of the members of a party have to be in favour of a “merger” for it to have validity in the eyes of the law.

Who is the Deciding Authority?

  • Violation of the law in any of the aforementioned scenarios can lead to a legislator being penalised for defection. 
  • The Presiding Officers of the Legislature (Speaker, Chairman) are the deciding authorities in such cases. 
  • The Supreme Court has held legislators can challenge their decisions before the higher judiciary.

Key Controversies surrounding Defection Laws

  • No time frame provided for Presiding Officer to decide in Law:
    • There have been many instances when a Speaker has not determined the case of a defecting MLA until the end of the legislature term.
    • There have also been instances of defecting MLAs becoming ministers while a defection petition against them has been pending before the Speaker.
    • Last year, the Supreme Court dismissed a minister in Manipur when the Speaker did not decide the defection petition against him even after 3 years.
      • The court held that ideally, Speakers should take a decision on a defection petition within 3 months.
  • Lost individualism of MLAs/MPs:
    • The anti-defection law punishes individual MPs/MLAs for leaving one party for another.
    • But it allows a group of MP/MLAs (2/3rd of elected) to join (i.e. merge with) another political party without inviting the penalty for defection.
  • No onus on Accepting Parties:
    • It does not penalise political parties for encouraging or accepting defecting legislators.
  • Failed to ensure the stability of governments:
    • Parties often have to sequester MLAs in resorts to prevent them from changing their allegiance or getting poached by a rival party.
      • Recent examples are Rajasthan (2020), Maharashtra (2019), Karnataka (2019 and 2018), and Tamil Nadu (2017).

Suggestions to improve the law

  • Some commentators have said the law has failed and recommended its removal. 
    • Former Vice President Hamid Ansari has suggested that it must apply only to save governments in no-confidence motions.
    • The Election Commission has suggested it should be the deciding authority in defection cases.
  • Others have argued that the President and Governors should hear defection petitions.
  • The Supreme Court said Parliament should set up an independent tribunal headed by a retired judge of the higher judiciary to decide defection cases swiftly and impartially.

Source: TH

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