India Starts Work on a Policy on GM Crops

Syllabus: GS 3  / Economy , S&T

In News 

  • The Ministry of Agriculture, in consultation with several other ministries, has formed a panel to study GM crop research and learn from other nations.
    • The panel includes experts in rice, cotton, and plant protection.

Genetic Modification in Crops

  • It is any living organism whose genetic material has been altered to include desirable traits.
  •  It has been used in large-scale production of insulin, vaccines, and more.
  • Genetic Modification in Crops involves DNA manipulation instead of conventional methods like controlled pollination to change crop characteristics.
  • Common GM Crops: Soybean, maize, cotton, and canola are widely grown for herbicide tolerance and insect resistance.
  • Process of Modifying Crops: The desired gene is identified, isolated, and incorporated into the crop’s DNA, followed by performance testing under controlled conditions.
  • Other GM Traits: Common modifications include virus resistance, drought resistance, and improved fruit/tuber quality.


  • Genetic engineering can enhance resistance to pests and diseases, reducing or eliminating the need for herbicides and pesticides.
  • Farmers can achieve increased yields, leading to higher income.
  • GM crops can be modified to improve their nutritional value.
  • GM technology can extend the shelf life of foods.
  • Genetically modified foods can offer improved taste and texture.
  • GM crops can be engineered to withstand extreme weather conditions.

India’s GM Crops

  • Currently, Bt cotton is the only GM crop approved for cultivation in India, while other crops like chickpea, pigeon pea, corn, and sugarcane are in various research stages.
  • In October 2022, the government approved the environmental release of GM mustard to reduce dependence on imported mustard oil.
    • However, trials were put on hold after activists approached the Supreme Court.
    • GM mustard reportedly offers 28% higher yields than traditional varieties, though critics challenge these claims, citing non-indigenous traits and questions about independent testing.
  • Farmers are demanding upgrades to Bt cotton technology, stating that the older BG-II variety is no longer effective against new pests and weeds, especially in changing climate conditions.

SC Verdict on GM Mustard 

  • A recent split Supreme Court verdict on GM mustard called for a comprehensive safety strategy before allowing its use.

Acts and rules that regulate GM crops in India include

  • Environment Protection Act, 1986 (EPA)
  • Biological Diversity Act, 2002
  • Plant Quarantine Order, 2003
  • GM policy under Foreign Trade Policy
  • Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
  • Drugs and Cosmetics Rule (8th Amendment), 1988

International GM Crop Policies

  • Countries like the US widely allow GM crops, while the European Union enforces strict regulations, including risk assessments and labelling requirements.

Controversy Surrounding GM Crops

  • GM crops are a sensitive issue in India due to concerns over human and animal health, contamination of non-GM crops, and ecological risks.
  • Experts argue that there is no unified document outlining the roles of different agencies involved in evaluating GM crops in India.
  • During the court hearing, concerns were raised about the reliance on foreign studies to evaluate GM crops, with a call for more Indian research.

Conclusion and Way Forward 

  • The Court and government are urged to balance environmental concerns with the potential benefits of GM crops, acknowledging that perfect solutions should not undermine the good.
  • Genetically modified crops hold promise for addressing some of India’s most pressing agricultural challenges, including food security, climate resilience, and farm incomes. However, their adoption must be carefully managed to avoid potential environmental and socio-economic risks. As India moves forward with its policy on GM crops, it must strike a balance between innovation and caution, ensuring that the benefits of biotechnology are realized while safeguarding public and environmental health.

Source: LM