Mission Karmayogi

In News

The Technical digital learning platform of Mission Karmayogi has become functional in the pre-production (experimental) stage.

  • Various types of learning courses are being uploaded by the Central and other training institutions.

About Mission Karmayogi

  • Mission Karmayogi a “National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building” (NPCSCB) has been approved by the Government on 2nd September 2020.
  • Aim & Objective– It aims to prepare Indian civil servants for the future by making them more creative, constructive, imaginative, proactive, innovative, progressive, professional, energetic, transparent and technology-enabled.


  • The government bureaucracy has been criticised for its high levels of inefficiency and red-tapism.
  • Governmental positions have come to be viewed as the archetype sinecure with civil servants rarely held answerable to their performance.
  • Moreover, civil servants have also come under criticism for their ‘rule-book’ approach in handling cases, overly complicating procedures and thereby remaining inflexible to the actual needs of the Indian public.
  • There have also been reports of significant political interference within administrative ranks leading to greater incidences of corruption and overall institutional decline.

Working Mission Karmayogi

  • iGOR Karmayogi-Mission-An integrated government online training platform – iGOTKarmayogi – will be set up for the Mission.
    • The iGOT-Karmayogi platform brings the scale and state-of-the-art infrastructure to augment the capacities of over two crore officials in India.
  • Establishment of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)– A wholly owned Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be set up.
      • The SPV will create and operationalize the content, market place and manage key business services of the iGOT-Karmayogi platform.
  • Proper institutional framework– The institutional framework will consist of Prime Minister’s Public Human Resources (HR) Council, Capacity Building Commission, Special Purpose Vehicle for owning and operating the digital assets and the technological platform for online training, and Coordination Unit headed by the Cabinet Secretary.
  • Capacity Building Commission– It will harmonise training standards, create shared faculty & resources and will have a supervisory role over all training institutions so that there’s a common understanding of India’s aspirations & development goals.


  • Mission Karmayogi is an endeavour to reincarnate a government servant into an ideal karma yogi to serve the nation.
  •  It will provide a mechanism for continuous capacity building & constant updating of the talent pool.
  • The programme will also help in making the civil servants more professional, progressive, energetic, inculcating right attitude, technology-enabled which is aligned to the vision of a “New India”.
  • This shall help in ending the culture of working in silos and to overcome the multiplicity of training curriculum which we have because of institutions spread all over the country


  • The palpable lack of interest in existing civil services training programmes has troubled administrative reform committees over the decades

Way Forward

  • The new system must find ways in which departments proactively strengthen investments in training their own employees, beyond goal setting, annual plans and financial contributions, as envisioned in the current proposal.
  • To serve the need of the hour and the nation adequately,the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building will bring a shift in the human resource management from ‘rules based’ to a ‘roles-based’ approach.
  • This shall put great emphasis on the role of ‘on-site learning’ while complementing the ‘off-site learning’ methodology.

Similar other initiatives to train government servants

  • The Government is currently implementing the following schemes namely-
  • Training for All Scheme with an objective of capacity building of all government officials at National and State level.
  • The domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) scheme provides for short term and long-term training courses abroad through training courses at the best international institutions.
  • Funding and supporting Foundational & Mid-Career training of civil servants through Central Training Institutions.  

Source :PIB