Dirty Bomb

In News

  • In Russia’s latest advocacy campaign over its invasion of Ukraine, It has focused on accusations that Ukraine might be planning to use a so-called “Dirty bomb”.

What are Dirty Bombs?

  • It is also known as a “Radiological dispersion device”. 
    • It is a weapon that combines conventional explosives like dynamite and radioactive material such as uranium. 
  • Dirty bombs do not create city-flattening atomic explosions but are designed to spread toxic waste.
  • The method of delivery could be a missile, an airplane stocked with radioactive materials or a strategically planted improvised explosive device

Major Issues

  • Security experts have worried about them mostly as a form of terrorist weapon to be used on cities to cause havoc among civilians, rather than as a tactical device for use by warring parties in conflict
  • Experts say the immediate health impact would probably be limited since most people in an affected area would be able to escape before experiencing lethal doses of radiation. 
    • But the economic damage could be massive from having to evacuate urban areas or even abandon whole cities.

Source: IE