Resentment Over Lakshadweep Development Authority (LDA) Regulation 2021

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The latest draft regulation for the creation of a Lakshadweep Development Authority (LDA) is widely resented by locals in Lakshadweep.

Draft Regulation 

  • The regulation empowers the government, identified as the administrator, to constitute Planning and Development Authorities under it to plan the development of any area identified as having “bad layout or obsolete development”.
    • Only cantonment areas are exempted from this.
  • Composition: 
    • An authority thus created would be a body corporate with a government-appointed chairman, a town planning officer and three ‘expert’ government nominees besides two local authority representatives.
  • Mandate:
    •  These authorities are to prepare land use maps, carry out zonation for the type of land use and indicate areas for ‘proposed national highways, arterial roads, ring roads, major streets, railways, tramways, airports, theatres, museums, playgrounds, stadium.
  • Definition of Development: 
    • The draft regulation defines development as the “carrying out of the building, engineering, mining, quarrying or other operations in, on, over or under land, the cutting of a hill or any portion thereof or the making of any material change in any building or land or the use of any building or land.

Issues with the recently created Lakshadweep Development Authority (LDA)

  • Usurpation the small holdings of property:
    • The people of Lakshadweep suspect that this might have been issued at the behest of ‘real estate interests’ seeking to usurp the small holdings of property owned by the islanders, a majority of them (94.8% as per the 2011 census) belonging to the Scheduled Tribes.
  • Forcible migration:
    • The proposals to bring real estate development concepts such as transferable development rights to the island have raised the hackles of people who fear they would be forced to mass migration. 
    •  The legislation vests such powers with the authority that it can prepare comprehensive development plans for any area and relocate people regardless of their will.
  • Heavy Penalties: 
    •  It provides for forcible eviction, puts the onus on the owner to develop his holding as per the plan prepared by the authority and also heavily penalises them in the event of non-compliance. 
  • Devastation of their way of life: 
    • The island community is a close-knit group with families living nearby. The regulation will destroy the way of life practised by them for generations.
  • Environmental issues: 
    • The draconian regulation is neither ecologically sustainable nor socially viable and the people’s representatives were not consulted before drafting 
  • Other Reasons:
    • Introduction of the anti-social Activities Regulation Bill, 2021:
      • The government introduced a draft detention law called the Prevention of Anti-Social Activities, which if implemented can empower the administration to detain anyone without public disclosure for up to one year.
    • Beef Ban:
      • The government also introduced the draft Lakshadweep Animal Preservation Regulation 2021, which if implemented will ban the slaughter of cows, calves of a cow, bulls and bullocks.

Administration of Union Territories 

  • Union Territories are administered by the President acting to such extent, as he thinks fit, through an Administrator appointed by him. 
  • Administrators of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Delhi and Puducherry are designated as Lieutenant Governors
  • The Governor of Punjab is concurrently the Administrator of Chandigarh
  • The Administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli is concurrently the Administrator of Daman and Diu. Lakshadweep has a separate Administrator.

About Lakshadweep

  • The name Lakshadweep in Malayalam and Sanskrit means ‘a hundred thousand islands’. The Union Territory was formed in 1956 and it was named Lakshadweep in 1973.
  • India’s smallest Union Territory Lakshadweep is an archipelago consisting of 36 islands with an area of 32 sq km.
  • All Islands are 220 to 440 km away from the coastal city of Kochi in Kerala, in the emerald Arabian Sea.
  •  It is a uni-district Union Territory and comprises 12 atolls, three reefs, five submerged banks and ten inhabited islands. 
  • The capital is Kavaratti and it is also the principal town of UT. 
  • Lakshadweep is known for its exotic and sun-kissed beaches and lush green landscape. 
  • The natural landscapes, the sandy beaches, an abundance of flora and fauna and the absence of a rushed lifestyle enhance the mystique of Lakshadweep.
  • Only BSNL and Airtel provide telecommunication services to Lakshadweep Islands.
    • BSNL provides connectivity in all 10 inhabited islands whereas Airtel provides connectivity to Kavaratti and Agatti islands.
  • The entry to Lakshadweep islands is restricted. One requires an entry permit issued by Lakshadweep Administration to visit these islands.

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