Species In News: Sulphur Molly

In News

  • The wave generating behavior of Sulphur Molly has been a topic of research for biologists.

About Sulphur Molly 

  • Scientific name: Poecilia sulphuraria
  • Description: 
    • Enlarged lips, head, and gills allow this species to tolerate elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide. 
    • The maximum length of 5.0 cm .

  • Habitat: 
    • Permanent Rivers, streams, creeks (includes waterfalls), freshwater springs, and oases.
  • Geographic Range: 
    • Endemic to hydrogen sulfide-rich outflows of the Banos del Azufre, and La Gloria, two hydrogen-sulfide-rich spring systems in the Pichucalco River drainage in Tabasco and Chiapas, Mexico. 
  • Threats: 
    • Tourism & recreation areas
    • Annual & perennial non-timber crops
    • Livestock farming & ranching
    • Recreational activities
    • Domestic & urban wastewater
    • Agricultural & forestry effluents
    • Garbage & solid waste
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN status: Endangered

Source: IE