Uniform Judicial Code

In News

  • A petition was filed in the Supreme Court to implement a “uniform judicial code” for High Courts across the country.


  • The terminology used by different High Courts for different types of cases is not uniform. 
  • This non-uniformity causes inconvenience not just to the general public but, in many cases, to the advocates and the authorities as well.

Need for Uniform Judicial Code

  • Judicial equality is a matter of constitutional right, its differentiation based on the jurisdiction of courts violates the right to equality.
  • All the 25 High Courts have different usage of the phrases when it comes to identifying different cases.
  • Different High Courts follow different procedures in matters pertaining to virtual courts, started during the pandemic.
  • Unequal court fees in different states discriminate among citizens based on their place of birth and residence. Moreover, it promotes regionalism; hence it is a clear violation of Articles 14-15.

Source: TH