In Context
- The Environment Ministry has taken various measures for the Conservation and protection of Great Indian Bustards.
Some important steps in this regard are as follows
- The Great Indian Bustard is listed in Schedule-I of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
- Important habitats of Great Indian Bustards are designated as National Parks/ sanctuaries.
- The species has been identified for conservation efforts under the component ‘Species Recovery Programme’ of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme- Development of Wildlife Habitats.
- Sites for establishment of a conservation breeding centres for the Great Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican birds have been identified in consultation with the Forest Departments of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
- In-situ Conservation Proposal by Rajasthan government.
Great Indian Bustards
- About:
- One of the heaviest flying birds endemic to the Indian subcontinent.
- State Bird of Rajasthan.
- Scientific Name: Ardeotis nigriceps
- Habitat:
- Untamed, Arid grasslands.
- A Maximum number of GIBs were found in Jaisalmer and the Indian Army-controlled field firing range near Pokhran, Rajasthan.
- Other areas: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
- Protection Status:
- IUCN Status: Critically Endangered.
- Listed in Wildlife Protection Act’s Schedule 1.
- Threats to the Bird:
- Hunting, Intensification of agriculture, Power lines.
- Project Great Indian Bustard (Rajasthan State)
- Habitat Improvement and Conservation Breeding
Source: PIB
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