Unrest in the Balochistan Region

Syllabus: GS 2 /IR

In News

  • Recent large-scale protests in Balochistan underscore the issues of governance and deep-seated ethnic tensions in Pakistan.


  • Balochistan is a region with a distinct cultural and historical identity that is now divided between three countries mainly Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
  • Recent large-scale protests in Balochistan were organized by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) to address human rights violations, resource exploitation, and inadequate basic amenities.
  • Women’s Participation: Women, including Mahrang Baloch, have played a significant role in the protests, highlighting their deep discontent with government actions.

Reasons for Turmoil 

  • Balochistan’s political history includes a failed bid for independence in 1947, coercive incorporation into Pakistan in 1948, and significant regional discontent due to the centralization of power.
  • Economic Disparities: Despite being resource-rich, Balochistan remains economically underdeveloped.
    •  The exploitation of resources has not benefited the local population, contributing to regional grievances.
  • Human Rights Issues: The region faces enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings, deepening discontent and fueling further unrest.
  • China’s role 
    • China has emerged as a major player in Balochistan and has invested in mining, energy, airports and expressway projects as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The CPEC begins in Kashgar, China, traverses through the length of Pakistan and ends in Gwadar
    • China’s investment in Balochistan through CPEC projects has led to concerns about militarization, displacement of local communities, and lack of tangible benefits for the Baloch people.
  • Insurgency and Security Response: An armed insurgency against security forces and CPEC projects has intensified, leading to a harsher security response from the Pakistani government


  • The protests led to clashes with security forces, resulting in fatalities, detentions, and increased prices of necessities due to blockades in major towns.
  • The security forces’ crackdown and blockade of major thoroughfares in many towns and cities, such as Gwadar, Hub, Mastung and Quetta, resulted in a sharp increase in the prices of necessities such as food, medicine, and petrol

Suggestions and Way Forward 

  • The situation in Balochistan reflects broader challenges in Pakistan’s nation-building efforts, particularly in balancing ethnic and religious identities and providing provincial autonomy.
  • There are calls for a more compassionate approach to address Balochistan’s issues, emphasizing the need for local stakeholder involvement and addressing socio-economic disparities.

Source: TH