Kuki-Chin Refugees

In News

The Mizoram Cabinet has approved the setting up of temporary shelters and other amenities for Bangladeshi Kuki-Chin refugees.

  • Mizoram shares a 318 km-long international border with Bangladesh.
    • Mizoram is already sheltering over 30,000 refugees from Myanmar who sought refuge in the state after a military coup in the Southeast Asian nation in February last year.

About Kuki-Chin Refugees

  • The Kuki-Chin people share ethnic ties with the Mizos and they fled their homes following armed conflicts between the Bangladesh army and an ethnic insurgent group Kuki-Chin National Army (KNA).

India’s stand on refugees

  • India is not a signatory to the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol. 
  • All foreign undocumented nationals are governed as per the provisions of The Foreigners Act, of 1946, The Registration of Foreigners Act, of 1939, The Passport (Entry into India) Act, of 19,20, and The Citizenship Act, of 1955.

Source: IE