Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)

In News 

  • The Union Cabinet approved the categorization of the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) as an ‘International Organisation’.
    • And signed of the Headquarters Agreement (HQA) with CDRI for granting it the exemptions, immunities and privileges as contemplated under the United Nations (Privileges & Immunities) Act, 1947.


  • Categorization of CDRI will provide it an independent and international legal persona so that it can efficiently and effectively carry out its functions internationally. This will help the CDRI in:

Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)

  • About:
    • The CDRI was launched by the Prime Minister of India during the United Nations Climate Action Summit on the 23rd September, 2019, at New York. 
    • It is a global partnership of National Governments, UN agencies and programmes, multilateral development banks and financing mechanisms, the private sector, academic and knowledge institutions .
    • It aims to promote the resilience of infrastructure systems to climate and disaster risks, thereby ensuring sustainable development.
  • Members:
    • Since its launch, thirty-one (31) Countries, six (06) International Organisations and two (02) private sector organisations have joined as members of CDRI.  
    • CDRI has been expanding its membership consistently by attracting a wide variety of economically advanced countries, developing countries, and countries that are most vulnerable to climate change and disasters.
  • Functions: 
    • CDRI promotes rapid development of resilient infrastructure to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals’ imperatives of expanding universal access to basic services, enabling prosperity and decent work.
  •  Strategic priorities:
    • Technical Support and Capacity-building: This includes disaster response and recovery support; innovation, institutional and community capacity-building assistance; and standards and certification.  
    • Research and Knowledge Management: This includes collaborative research; global flagship reports; and a global database of infrastructure and sector resilience. 
    • Advocacy and Partnerships: This includes global events and initiatives; marketplace of knowledge financing and implementation agencies; and dissemination of knowledge products.  


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