SCO Film Festival

In News

  • Recently, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Film Festival has  highlighted the diversity of India.


  • The SCO Film Festival is being organised to mark India’s Presidency at SCO .
  • India’s goal of organising the festival is to showcase the diversity of films and various styles of film making from the SCO region.
  • Aim: To build cinematic partnerships, have exchange of programmes, nurture young filmmaking talent and act as a bridge between the cultures of this unique region.
  • The SCO Film Festival 2023 commenced with the world premiere of the Tamil film “Appatha”. 
  • The film features National Award-winning actor Urvashi in the lead role and will be benchmarked as her 700th film and 51 years in the Indian film industry
  • Official Language: 
    • The official language of the SCO i.e., Russian and Chinese will also be the official language of the SCO Film Festival Mumbai.
  • Functional Language: 
    • English will also be included as the functional language of the festival as it is being hosted in India.
  • Cinema in SCO Region:
    • The SCO region is a confluence of diverse civilizations and a cradle of rich traditions of art and culture. 
    • This has been reflected in the cinemas made in SCO countries, which has been globally appreciated and awarded

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO):

  • About:
    • It is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation of Eurasian Nations with a secretariat in Beijing.
  • Aim:
    • It is a political, economic and military organisation that aims at maintaining peace, security and stability in the region.
  • Origin: Journey from Shanghai Five to SCO 
    • Shanghai Five emerged in 1996 from a series of border demarcation and demilitarization talks between 4 former USSR republics and China.
    • Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan were members of the Shanghai Five.
    • With the accession of Uzbekistan to the group in 2001, the Shanghai Five was renamed the SCO.
    • The SCO Charter was signed in 2002 and entered into force in 2003.
  • Inclusion of India & Pakistan:
    • India and Pakistan both were initially observer states.
    • Both were given full membership in 2017.
  • Iran and Belarus:
    • 2021 SCO summit in Dushanbe agreed for Iran to join the SCO. 
    • Belarus has also begun the membership process for SCO.

Member states

Observer States

Dialogue Partners


















Sri Lanka

Source: PIB

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