Indian pangolin

In News 

The Odisha Forest and Environment Department has completed its first-ever radio-tagging of the Indian pangolin in an attempt to standardise the rehabilitation protocol for the animal in the State.


  • Scientific Name: Manis crassicaudata
  • the Indian pangolin is the largest among eight pangolin species. 
  • Description: It has large, overlapping scales on its body that act as armour. 
    • It can also curl itself into a ball (volvation) as self-defence against predators such as the tiger. 
    • The nocturnal animal lives in burrows and feed on ants and termites.
  • Habitat and  Distribution: The species is understood to occur in various types of tropical forests as well as open land, grasslands and degraded habitats, including close to villages. 
    • The species can adapt well to modified habitats, provided its ant and termite prey remains abundant
    • It is widely distributed in India, except in the arid region, high Himalayas and the North-East. 
      • It can be found at elevations up to 2500 m. The species also occurs in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka
  • Threats: Poaching for its meat and scales, which are used and consumed by local people, but are also increasingly traded internationally. 
  • Protection status : 
    • Schedule I under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • Appendix I of the International Convention of Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
    • Endangered in IUCN Red List.

Source: TH