Sutras For Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

Syllabus: GS3/ Economy

In Context

  • India’s achievement of over 80% financial inclusion within six years has been recognized globally as a transformative success, particularly for the Global South. This remarkable progress, driven by the adoption of digital public infrastructure (DPI), emphasizes the country’s role in digital and financial inclusion for more than a billion people. 

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) 

  • DPI refers to digital solutions that enable basic functions essential for public and private service delivery, i.e., collaboration, commerce, and governance.
  • Functionally mimicking physical infrastructures, these DPIs are digital pathways that enable a seamless provision of essential services, benefiting society. 

India’s Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) Success

India Stack:

  • At the heart of India’s DPI success is the India Stack, a collection of open APIs and digital platforms like Aadhaar and UPI that have revolutionized digital identity and financial transactions for millions. 
  • India Stack’s proven reliability and scalability set a model for countries seeking to replicate digital inclusion and governance. Now, India is tasked with enabling other nations to implement their own DPIs, with a focus on inclusivity, security, and sovereignty.

Emergence of Citizen Stack:

  • In the dynamic digital landscape, Citizen Stack emerges as a trusted ecosystem modeled on the success of India Stack. However, unlike a traditional DPI manufacturer, Citizen Stack plays a regulatory role. It certifies and authenticates DPI solutions based on stringent quality and security standards. Backed by the Government of India, it serves as an auditor, ensuring that digital infrastructure meets the highest standards of integrity.
  • Citizen Stack’s holistic approach to digital infrastructure integrates technology with societal needs. It emphasizes not only technical capability but also principles of privacy, interoperability, inclusivity, and security, ensuring DPIs are reliable and beneficial for citizens.

Challenges Pertains

While Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) has the potential to bring about transformative change in financial inclusion, governance, and citizen empowerment, achieving good DPI—that adheres to the highest standards of security, inclusivity, and privacy—faces several challenges.

  • Data Privacy and Security Risks: A key concern in any digital infrastructure is the risk of data breaches, hacking, and unauthorized access to sensitive personal information. DPIs that handle vast amounts of citizen data, such as identity or financial data, are attractive targets for cyber-attacks.
  • Digital Divide and Inclusivity: The success of a DPI is heavily dependent on internet access and digital literacy. In countries or regions especially India with large populations lacking the skills to use digital services, DPIs risk excluding the very populations they are designed to help.
  • Interoperability Issues: Interoperability is essential to prevent citizens and businesses from being locked into proprietary platforms or monopolies. However, ensuring that different systems can work together seamlessly can be technically complex, especially when integrating legacy systems with modern digital platforms.
  • Ethical and Legal Challenges: The governance of digital infrastructure must adhere to ethical standards regarding privacy, security, and data use. 

Five Guiding Principles of a “Good DPI”

To distinguish between “good” and “bad” DPIs, Citizen Stack has established five core principles or sutras that must be upheld:

  1. Uphold the Citizens’ Relationship with the Market and State: The digital infrastructure must remain neutral and prevent undue influence that could disrupt the balance between citizens, markets, and governance.
  2. Safeguard Citizen Empowerment and Privacy: A consent-based system should be implemented to protect personal data and empower citizens in how their information is used.
  3. Prevent Lock-In by Monopolies: Interoperability is crucial to prevent digital monopolies from trapping citizens within proprietary platforms.
  4. Techno-Legal Regulation: A techno-legal framework combining technology and legal oversight is essential to ensure ethical innovation and secure digital practices while upholding citizens’ rights.
  5. Public-Private Innovation Collaboration: Encourage collaborative innovation between the public and private sectors while ensuring that the public good is prioritized over corporate monopolistic interests.


  • India’s role in advancing DPI for the global community reflects a commitment to sharing its model of success, much like the universal teachings of yoga — both embodying principles of authenticity, quality, and integrity. Through Citizen Stack, India aims to lead the global movement toward responsible, secure, and inclusive digital transformation, offering a scalable and ethical path forward for the world.
Daily Mains Question
[Q] Analyse the significance of India’s digital public infrastructure (DPI) experiment. What are the Concerns and challenges? Suggest ways to make DPI more inclusive & efficient.