AI Regulation Needs to Get Serious and Global 

Syllabus: GS2/ Government Policies & Interventions

In News

  • Recent global initiatives have taken significant steps towards establishing a regulatory framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Artificial Intelligence

  • About:
    • It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. 
    • It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to biologically observable methods.
  • Significance:
    • AI would not replace people but create new opportunities in various fields. 
    • It works on data, and if we could train our machines, it could do wonders for us in milliseconds by automating processes. 
    • AI is creating new opportunities which could not be achieved by traditional technology.


  • The challenge & fears of unknown:
  • The biggest challenge in achieving this balance is that no one knows for certain what’s going to happen next with AI. 
  • There are widespread fears. These range from apocalyptic scenarios such as AI posing an existential threat to humans, to more immediate fears, which include developing deepfakes that can be used to spread misinformation, create identity theft tools, more effective cyberattacks and automate tasks that are currently done by humans. 
  • Faster evolution than implementation:
    • AI technology is evolving so fast that stakeholders are falling behind miserably when it comes to putting safeguards. 
    • Therefore, it is essential to recognise that the success of global regulatory efforts hinges on their implementation.
  • Difficulty to control:
    • This technology is evolving so fast that stakeholders are falling behind miserably when it comes to putting safeguards. 
    • There have been calls to pause development of AI to give time for governments and industry players to come up with guardrails. 
    • But the horse has already bolted, and at a good speed. There is competition between governments, universities and companies, all seeking to advance the technology, so it will be impossible to impose a worldwide moratorium. 
  • Risks for the education sector:
    • In the education sector, we notice that there is no control on how generative AI tools are used by students. There are no age restrictions or Content restrictions
    • Also, there is hardly any awareness initiative on the potential risks of using generative AI tools in education. 
    • These tools have extreme long-term negative effects on critical thinking and the creative capacities of students.
  • Potential for escalate existing threats:
    • Generative AI is compounding or can compound some existing online threats like the use of deepfakes for disinformation campaigns
    • This can include simple things like using ChatGPT to make phishing emails sound convincing. 
    • There are multiple ways in which cheaper and more accessible generative AI models can compound issues that we’re still struggling to regulate, especially in cybersecurity and online harms.
    • These can threaten the basic foundations of democracy. There could be the impact of these generative AI tools on fair and transparent elections.

Global Initiatives

Recent global initiatives have taken significant steps towards establishing a regulatory framework that balances innovation with ethical considerations. 

  • GPAI Summit: Recently the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) summit was concluded in Delhi.
    • The meet recognised the importance of establishing ethical guidelines and standards for AI technologies. 
    • It also rightly stressed the need for international collaboration in navigating the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.
  • Bletchley Declaration: Notable among these initiatives are the Bletchley Declaration, the US White House Executive Order, and the legislative efforts by the European Parliament and Council. 
  • Initiatives by private players: There are many initiatives being undertaken by private players to put in place a framework to limit the negative impact of AI.
    • For example, tech giants including Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, Google and OpenAI have signed a voluntary agreement to emphasise safety, security and trust when developing AI technologies. 
    • In India, industry body Nasscom has come out with a framework listing out the obligations of all stakeholders in the development of AI.


  • International cooperation: International cooperation that prevents regulatory fragmentation and ensures a level playing field for AI developers and users worldwide is crucial.
    • The global community has acknowledged the need to bridge the digital divide
  • Recognition & implementation: Recognising the potential for AI to exacerbate existing inequalities, participants committed to promoting diversity in AI research and development, as well as addressing the socio-economic impacts of automation.
    • Implementing the principles and agreements reached at the GPAI summit will require sustained effort and coordination among participating nations. 
    • The global community must remain vigilant in monitoring developments in AI and adapting regulatory frameworks to address emerging challenges. 
  • Collective participation in regulations: Regulations cannot be left entirely in the hands of the industry, given the power of this technology. Its revenue models are closely linked to data collection.
    • Governments, industry leaders, and academia must work together to develop transparent guidelines, ethical frameworks, and regulatory structures with enough teeth to deter bad actors. 
  • Combating the misuse: Efforts to combat the misuse of AI should involve international cooperation and information sharing.
    • This can address the potential threats posed by malicious actors who exploit AI for cyber warfare, propaganda, or other destructive purposes.

Way Ahead 

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative phenomenon, revolutionizing various industries and unlocking countless possibilities. 
  • However, as AI continues to evolve rapidly, it is imperative to balance fostering innovation and ensuring ethical use.
Daily Mains Question
[Q] Examine the global initiatives towards establishing a regulatory framework on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Suggest ways for effective implementation of these frameworks.