The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2



With COVID-19 ‘over’, applying the lessons learnt 


Why did the World Health Organization end the global emergency status for COVID-19 ?repercussions  of the move and How will the WHO declaration change disease management?

GS 2


A position paper, China’s image, and what it means 


(International Relations )

How China’s position on the Afghan Issue , continued engagement with Russia and Iran, along with the Central Asian countries will affect india’s interest ,options available for india  and way forward

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Will the greenback still be green? 


What is the status of the U.S. dollar as a preferred currency for international trade ?What is the dollar’s share of foreign exchange reserves?Why is  the U.S. dollar in demand ? recent trend and future outlook ?

GS 3


India’s first national water­body census 


What did India’s first national water-body census find? How was the census conducted?What is the importance of a water body census?and How can the census improve?

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What is Bluesky, the latest micro-blogging platform in the market? 


(Science and Technology)

What is Bluesky?Who is behind Bluesky?How is Bluesky different from Mastodon?


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ISRO to start online training programme for college students 

(Science and Technology)


Know about Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) and its objectives 


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