The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


At above 7%, retail inflation stays stubborn

(Economy )


What is inflation? How is Inflation measured? And its impacts 


GS 2


HC asks Centre to file ‘exhaustive’ reply on Fund

(Polity and Governance)

Know about the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund)?

What is the  issue concerning the PM CARES Fund?and observations of court’s .

GS 3


Create more jobs, revamp employment policy 

(Economy )


What is the rationale behind the  Government of India’s recent announcement   to create 10 lakh government jobs in the next 18 months?Employment data and issues with it


GS 2


The scale of municipal finances is inadequate

(Polity and Governance)

What is the present status of municipal finance?Challenges faced by them and what should be ways to handle them .

GS 2


A guarantor of free speech


(Polity and Governance)


Know about constitutional provisions related to  Freedom of Speech and Expression,The debates on limits to Free Speech ,Supreme  court’s observations and way ahead 

GS 2


Mediation Bill: Not getting

the Act together

(Polity and Governance)


What is Mediation ?major provisions of Mediation bill ,

Issues that need to be addressed,Supreme Court of India view and Conclusion


GS 3


NASA telescope dives deep into the universe

(Science and Technology) 

Learn facts related  James Webb telescope and its latest achievements 

GS 3


Industrial output jumps 19.6% 


Impact of inflation on India’s poor negligible: Sitharaman



What is the Index of Eight Core Industries?


What is the impact of inflation on India’s poor ?findings of United Nations Development Programme report in this context ,

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