Headlines of the Day 18-1-2024

PIB,  Indian Express, AIR

HeadlineSourceSyllabusKey points to know
Crack down on hate speech, incitement to violence, says SCThe Hindu(Page 1)Polity and Governance (GSII)– What is hate speech?
– Laws related to it in India
JallikattuThe Hindu(Page 1)Art and Culture (GSI)– What is Jallikattu?
– Its cultural significance
Delhi Police begin training sessions to familiarise personnel with criminal lawsThe Hindu(Page 4)Governance (GSII)– What are new criminal laws?
– Its significance
Jagannath Temple corridorThe Hindu(Page 4)
Art and Culture (GSI)– What is the significance of Jagannath Temple?
– Key facts related to Jagannath Temple corridor
Fertilizer subsidies The Hindu(Page 12)Economy (GSIII)– What are Fertilizer subsidies?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
Rainfall rising in over half of India’s sub-districts, says four-decade studyThe Hindu(Page 14)

Geography (GSI)– What are the major factors behind the rise in rainfall in over half of India’s sub-districts?
– Its implications
CERT-IN takes over 11 months to plug vulnerabilities exposing personal dataThe Hindu(Page 14)Cyber Security (GSIII)– What is the CERT-In?
– Its roles and responsibilities
Over half of youth struggling with basic maths: ASER studyThe Hindu(Page 14)Education (GII)– What are the major findings of the ASER study?
The microbiome and healthThe Hindu(Page 20)S&T (GSIII)– What is a microbiome?
– Its roles
A search for deterrence in the Red SeaThe Hindu(Page 8)IR (GSII)– What is the strategic significance of the Red Sea?
– Why is it under attack?
The fading role of universities in societyThe Hindu(Page 9)
Governance (GSII)– Is the role of universities in our society fading?
– What needs to be done?
On delisting some Kuki-Zomi tribesThe Hindu(Page 10)Population (GSI)– Who are Kuki-Zomi tribes?
– Key facts related to them
China-Taiwan relations The Hindu(Page 10)IR (GSII)

– Where do China-Taiwan relations stand?
– Its significance for India
Iran carries out strikes in Iraq, Syria and PakistanThe Hindu(Page 15)IR (GSII)
– Why did Iran carry out strikes in Iraq, Syria and Pakistan?
– Its outcomes
Climate change has caused Greenland’s ice sheet to lose 20%The Hindu(Page 15)Geography (GSI) / Environment (GSIII)– What is the geographical significance of Greenland?
– Impacts of Climate Change on Greenland
ICJ’s patchy history — why South Africa’s case against Israel may linger onIndian Express(Page 10)IR (GSII)– What is the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
– Its roles and responsibilities
Smartphones and education Indian Express(Page 10)Governance (GSII)– How can smartphones make education inclusive?
Govt disburses Rs 4,415 crore under different PLI schemes so farIndian Express(Page 13)Economy (GSIII)– What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme?
– Its objectives
Pran PratisthaIndian Express(Page 14)Art and Culture (GSI)– What is Pran Pratistha?
– Its significance
Cyber Surakshit Bharat’ initiativePIBGovernance (GSII) / Cyber Security (GSIII)– What is Cyber Surakshit Bharat’ initiative?- Its objectives
draft ‘Indian Stamp Bill, 2023’PIB
Governance (GSII– What is the draft ‘Indian Stamp Bill, 2023’?
– Its key provisions
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects PIBEconomy (GSIII)– What are Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects?
– Its importance
Wings India 2024AirMiscellaneous – What is Wings India 2024?
– Its significance