Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2




Murmu thanks NDA MPs, says tribal community is ‘excited

(Polity and Governance)

Know about elections process of President of India and constitutional provisions related to it

GS 3



Commodity prices’ fall can help India escape global inflation trap


What are findings  and future prospects of the latest ‘State of the economy’ report of RBI .

GS 3



New challenge for cyber unit: Crypto

(Cyber Security)

What are Features  and benefits of Cryptocurrency?Concerns/Challenges and  Way Forward

GS 2


India presses for full disengagement

 (International Relations)

What is the outcome of the 16th round of military talks between India & China?The situation in eastern Ladakh ,various efforts to resolve the issues and the way ahead .

GS 3


Is there a crisis in rice?


Is there a crisis ahead in rice?Reasons.How serious is the situation? And ways to handle it .

GS 2


How the vice president is elected,How constitution defines his or her role 

(Polity and Governance)

What are the Provisions Related to the Vice-President? And What is the Election Procedure?

GS 3


An orderly transition 


Why have the concerns over energy security gained centre stage?Several policy initiatives in the coal sector in India and what more needs to be done to make these measures more effective?

GS 2


Beyond the CAATSA

 (International Relations)

Know about India’s  current dependence on Russian military supplies,What is the CAATSA?application of CAATSA sanctions on India and what are the available options for India?

GS 1


Prosperity lesson for India

(Poverty and Developmental Issues)

What are key takeaways of The United Nations latest report, “Population Prospects” forecasts?india’s performance ,issues highlighted by report and way forward 

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