The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 1



Earthquake kills over 1,000 in east Afghanistan

(Geography )

What is an Earthquake?causes ,impact and mitigation measures 

GS 3


$1­tn scope for digital economy: PM


What are the key outcomes of the BRICS Business Forum? And potential of India’s digital economy &

the infrastructure sector.

GS 3




Four new corals recorded from Indian waters 


Learn facts related to  Azooxanthellate corals

GS 3


Protest against move to ‘shift’ proposed heritage park in Manipur 



Know about Keibul Lamjao National Park (KLNP) and its ecosystem .

GS 3




The role of caste in economic transformation


Why has India been in a phase of jobless growth for at least two decades now?Why could India not generate a pattern of growth that produces jobs and inclusive development in the way most of the East Asian countries have done? Is there any  link between economic transformation and caste in India?How caste impedes the economic transformation in India?key analysis and way forward 

GS 2




Heal the nation before healing the rest of the world


What are recent initiatives of Union government for health human resources ?implementation guidelines for a long overdue Indian public health cadre,India’s vision with respect to health human resources,WHO forecast for India, challenges and disparities in health manpower and what needs to be done in  this context ?


GS 3


Towards a single low tax regime 


Crypto came tumbling after 



Overview of GST ,Objectives and need of GST,Salient Features of GST,Achievements  ,Shortcomings /Challenges  and Conclusion & Way Forward


What is a cryptocurrency?pros and cons ,Why are cryptocurrencies crashing?How do governments view cryptocurrencies?What has been India’s approach to cryptocurrencies? And what lies ahead ?



Understanding bird strikes and aviation safety 

(Miscellaneous )

When are aircraft more prone to bird strikes? How is the DGCA planning to prevent such incidents?


GS 2


Modi to attend G­7 summit in Germany

(International Relations)

Know about G­7,its members and objectives 

GS 3


India reports FY22 CAD of 1.2% as trade deficit widens


What is Current Account Deficit?Causes ,Implications  and Method to deal .


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