Indian Express

Indian Express


Pg No 


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 3


Roads to railways, Rs 6 lakh crore assets to be monetised, ownership will remain with Govt


What is the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP)? Which sectors are covered in it? What is brownfield and greenfield? What are the key challenges of NMP? Learn about ReITs and InVITs.

GS 2


Redrawing J&K poll map: Act says EC’s job, Law Ministry says Delimitation panel’s


What is the Delimitation Commission? What are its functions? Why is there a tussle between the J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 and Law Ministry order?

GS 3




Country’s first smog tower in Delhi’s Connaught Place, cost Rs 20 crore


Delhi’s new smog tower: the technology, the impact, the evidence


What are smog towers? How do they function? What are their pros and cons? What are other technologies and ways forward to mitigate the air pollution?

GS 2


TN should get Rs 5,600 cr compensation for loss of two MP seats: Madras HC


Why did Tamil Nadu lose 2 MP seats? What was the agreement between the states regarding representation and population control measures? Is it fair that Southern states are penalised in the form of less representation for implementing Population Control more effectively?

GS 2 & 3


Why the post-pandemic school is an opportunity to reinvent learning


Why is there a need to reinvent the education system? What was the Shantiniketan Model? How can Tagore’s ideas of education and Pandemic help us start afresh?

GS 2


Ban is a bad idea


Why is the recent decision of the Centre to ban Hurriyat and use UAPA against it not in the greater national interest?

GS 3


Machine Law


Australia, South Africa have recognised AI as an inventor. How should the International patent laws be  modified to catch up with changing technology?

GS 2


What Indian lawmaking needs: More scrutiny, less speed


What is the importance of pre legislative scrutiny and building broad consensus in the Legislature in Indian Democracy? How can it be achieved?

GS 2


It is Pakistan’s moment of triumph in Afghanistan, but India must bet on patience


Why is the recent Talibani victory being termed as Pakistan’s moment? How is it expected to affect India and the world? What should India do to safeguard its interests in the region?

GS 2


Why the citizens’ assembly is an idea whose time has come


What is direct democracy? Can it be practiced in India through Citizen’s Assembly? What is the consent of Governed as propounded by Kalypso Nicolaidis?

GS 3


Glitches in tax portal, and what is being done


What are the glitches being faced in the tax portal?  How do they affect tax compliance? What is being done to rectify it?

GS 3


Amid Covid: ‘Too risky to keep monetary policy highly accommodative for long’


What is the accommodative stance? Why is it dangerous in case of a pandemic? Please revise the basics of monetary policy including the loose money, dear money, etc

GS 3


CCI fines Maruti Suzuki Rs 200 crore over dealer discount control policy


Learn about CCI and its powers, functions. Further, why has Maruti Suzuki been fined? What Dealer Discount Control Policy?


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