The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2




Two more booked for Haridwar hate meet 


Nagaland: panel to look into AFSPA withdrawal 


(Polity and Governance)

What is hate speech and what are the impacts? The Indian legal position, Proposed hate speech provisions of Sections 153C and 505A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).Concerns regarding the new provisions and suggestions. 


The rationale behind the recent decision to constitute a committee to study the possibility of withdrawing the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) from the State, What is AFSPA, and why are states in the Northeast against it?

GS 2


The elderly are assets, not dependents


Why Life expectancy in India has risen from 50 (1970-75) to 70 years (2014-18)? Present status of the number of elders population in the country, why elderly population needs more medical attention of a diverse range, data of Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), what are other issues linked to the elderly population of India?, the significance of Converting them from dependents to productive members of society, suggest steps in this context 

GS 2


A chance to tap India’s high equity in Myanmar



Know about the ongoing Myanmar crisis and what role can ASEAN countries play in pacifying the causes? Highlight India’s role along with its relations with Myanmar and a way forward.

GS 2




Act of faith



Major features of the Karnataka Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Bill, 2021, its key provisions, criticism and way forward 

GS 2


Iran nuclear talks reverberate in the Gulf



What are the implications of Iran’s engagement in negotiations in Vienna on matters relating to the U.S.’s re-entry into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the relaxation of the sanctions?GCC engagement with Iran, The revival of the nuclear talks with Iran, how does it affect India’s interest?

GS 2


Prevention is better than cure 


What is Outpatient (OP) health care? Indian public health care policy, initiatives announced to extend health care coverage to the indigent sections, why have come under criticism? impact of OP expenses on Indian households, why OP care insurance has not caught on in India yet, recent policy pronouncements by the Centre, key analysis and way forward 

GS 2


India hands over food aid, defence equipment to Mozambique



Significance of India’s step to hand over two Fast Interceptor Craft (FIC) and other self-defence equipment to Mozambique to assist in its capacity building, India’s engagements with Indian Ocean littoral states

GS 3


Anti­dumping duty on five Chinese goods



Why did India impose anti-dumping duty on 5 Chinese goods for 5 years? objectives and need of the move, its implications on bilateral trade between both the countries 

GS 3


Log on to g-secs with RBI’s Retail Direct



What is a Retail Direct Gilt (RDG) account? What it offers and  How to use them?

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