The Hindu

The Hindu


Pg No


Relevance for Prelims and Mains  

GS 2




15-17 age group to get Covaxin from Jan. 3


Know about precaution dose, who is eligible for vaccination? 

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Missionaries of Charity denied FCRA nod 


Why does the Union Home Ministry (MHA) refuse to renew the FCRA registration of Missionaries of Charity (MoC)? What is Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, and how does it control donations?

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Kerala tops NITI Aayog Health Index; U.P. at bottom


Know about ‘Health Index’, its basis and parameters 

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Delhi govt. likely to discuss GRAP implementation today


What is a Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)? Implementation and issues linked to it.

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The cold truth about India’s income inequality 



Key Highlights of the latest edition of the World Inequality Report,what is the reason for the disproportionate share of global wealth growth over the past several decades, why  India stands out as a poor and very unequal country, what are economic consequences, key analysis and way forward 

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Why the Aadhaar­voter ID link must be stopped


A progressive step 



Major provisions of The Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021, their objectives and need, criticism and way forward 


 What is AFSPA, and why are states in the Northeast against it?

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The gaps in the plan to tackle plastic waste 


What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)? draft regulations on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), what are other regulations and initiatives to tackle plastics and plastic waste management?about India’s high recycling rate to the informal sector, implications for continued production of low-quality and multi-layered plastics, key analysis and way forward 

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SC clarifies when dowry deaths may be presumed


(Social Issues )


What is dowry and how did it get started? Historical underpinnings, related concerns, impacts, laws and penalties to regulate it and how far has India come in terms of actually curbing the issue.

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