Konark Sun Temple

In Context 

  • Odisha government has planned to run the Sun Temple completely on solar energy
  • Konark is going to be the first model town in Odisha to shift from grid dependency to green energy.

About  Konark Sun Temple

  • Location:  Konark is situated at a comfortable distance from the famous religious and tourist centre of Puri (35 K.M.) and the capital city of Bhubaneswar (65 K.M.)
  • Meaning of Name: “Konarka” , the place bears a name composed of two World elements: Kona meaning corner and ARKA meaning the Sun.
    • The Sun god worshipped in Ark Kshetra is also called Konark. 
    • In ‘Brahma Purana’ the Sun God in Ark-kshetra has been described as Konaditya. 
      • So it is evident that the place where the Kona aditya (or Kona-arka, the Sun god) was worshipped was also popularly called Konark.
  • The main Temple was called by European sailors “The Black Pagoda” as it formed an important landmark for them in their coastal voyage. 
    • It forms part of the golden triangle of Odisha, along with Puri and Bhubaneswar, and attracts tourists, pilgrims, and history and art lovers.
  • Built by: Built by King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty from 1238-1250 CE.
  • Features: The Sun Temple built in the thirteenth century was  conceived as a gigantic chariot of Sun God, with twelve pairs of exquisitely ornamented wheels pulled by seven pairs of horses. 
    • Its fine traceries and scroll work , the beautiful and natural cut of animal and human figures, all give it a superiority over other temples. 
    • The Sun temple belongs to the Kalinga School of Indian Temples with characteristic curvilinear towers mounted by Cupolas.
    •  The main sanctum which (229 ft. high) was constructed along with the  audience hall (128 ft. high) having elaborate external projections. 
      • The main sanctum which enshrined the presiding deity has fallen off. 
      • The  Audience Hall survives  in its entirety but of the other two viz the Dancing Hall(nata Mandir) and the Dining Hall (Bhoga-Mandap), only small portions have survived the vagaries of time. 
  • The alignment of the Sun Temple is in the east-west direction
  • The temple is a World Heritage Site is situated in the eastern state of Odisha and  is  a massive temple dedicated to the Sun God temple 
  • Great poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote of Konark: “Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man.”
  • Protection :
    • The Sun Temple, Konârak is protected under the National Framework of India by the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act (1958) and its Rules (1959). 
      • Other relevant protective legislation includes the Forest Act, Konârak Development Act and notified Council Area Act. 

Image Courtesy: TOI
