Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

In News 

Recently, Bihar has performed the best in providing rural tap water connections under the ambitious Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) 

Major Points 

  • In two years, the percentage of Bihar rural households with tap water connections has gone up to 86.96% — taking it surging to among the top-four states. 
    • The states faring better than Bihar are Goa (100% connections), Telangana (100%) and Haryana (99.24%).

About Jal Jeevan Mission.

  • It is a flagship programme of the Ministry of Jal Shakti which aims to provide tap water connection to every rural household by 2024.
  • It was announced by the Prime Minister in  2019.
  • It will be based on a community approach to water and will include extensive Information, Education and communication as a key component of the mission
  • The programme will also implement source sustainability measures as mandatory elements, such as recharge and reuse through greywater management, water conservation, rainwater harvesting.


Every rural household has a drinking water supply in adequate quantity of prescribed quality on a regular and long-term basis at affordable service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of rural communities.


Jal Jeevan Mission is to assist, empower and facilitate:

  •  States/ UTs in the planning of participatory rural water supply strategy for ensuring potable drinking water security on a long-term basis to every rural household and public institution, viz. GP building, School, Anganwadi centre, Health centre, wellness centres, etc.
  •  States/ UTs for the creation of water supply infrastructure so that every rural household has Functional Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024.
  •  States/ UTs to develop robust institutions having a focus on service delivery and financial sustainability of the sector by promoting a utility approach
  •  Capacity building of the stakeholders and create awareness in the community on the significance of water for improvement in quality of life

Components Under JJM

The following components are supported under JJM

  •  Development of in-village piped water supply infrastructure to provide tap water connection to every rural household
  •  Development of reliable drinking water sources and/ or augmentation of existing sources to provide long-term sustainability of water supply system
  •  Technological interventions for removal of contaminants where water quality is an issue
  •  Any other unforeseen challenges/ issues emerging due to natural disasters/ calamities which affect the goal of FHTC to every household by 2024, as per guidelines of the Ministry of Finance on Flexi Funds


  •  To provide FHTC to every rural household.
  •  To prioritize the provision of FHTCs in quality affected areas, villages in drought-prone and desert areas, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) villages, etc.
  •  To provide functional tap connection to Schools, Anganwadi centres, GP buildings, Health centres, wellness centres and community buildings
  •  To monitor the functionality of tap connections.
  •  To promote and ensure voluntary ownership among the local community by way of contribution in cash, kind and/ or labour and voluntary labour (shramdaan)
  •  To assist in ensuring the sustainability of the water supply system, i.e. water source, water supply infrastructure, and funds for regular O&M
  •  To empower and develop human resources in the sector such that the demands of construction, plumbing, electrical, water quality management, water treatment, catchment protection, O&M, etc. are taken care of in short and long term

Source: IE